Hugging My Little Gay Self

Reimagining A Normal Self

To Slay or Not to Slay

Sidelined: Navigating Colgate as an Outsider

Fuck Your Fox Eye
“The fox eye trend is something we’re all familiar with - maybe you’ve seen a tutorial for it on TikTok or tried it out yourself. My article takes form as a personal reflection and analysis on the damaging impacts of the fox eye craze on our global Asian community. Cultural appropriation is an epidemic that pervades Western beauty standards, and I hope that those who read my article will become better equipped to recognize and disrupt it.”

Inclusivity & Individualism: Counterculture at Colgate
“Culture influences our day to day interactions on this campus; we all participate in it whether we’re aware of it or not. My article discusses how counterculture manifests itself as inclusivity and individualism in the face of the hierarchies and exclusivities that run deep on our campus. I hope that after reading this reflection and listening to each voice featured in the article, it will inspire you to take some sort of action to change things for the better.”

“Don’t Go Back to Those Places”: Chronicling my Style Journey
“What began as an “opportunity to reinvent my wardrobe” soon became a disheartening, empty-handed exit. Intending to adopt my peers' style, I kept an eye out for “fashionable” clothes. Selecting sizes for those clothes was even more difficult. When size 4 jeans didn’t fit the same way they did months prior, my confidence dropped. After mornings or events like this, I left the house lacking confidence, and it wouldn’t be until months later that I would realize my self-expression.”

Hounding for Answers: Emma Barrison’s Investigation of the Mental Health Evaluation
“Art does not exist in a vacuum, rather, it is inspired by an individual’s perception and interaction with their experiences. Since the age of eight, mental health questionnaires have attempted to enumerate Emma Barrison’s understanding of the world around her.”

A Lot To Be Learned From a Few Women Talking
“On Monday evening in Golden Theater, the Film and Media Department hosted an exclusive advance screening of Sarah Polley’s decisive film, Women Talking. An academy-award nominated actor, screenwriter, and director, Polley first rose to fame as a child star in the Canadian television series Ramona. However, if you ask her, first and foremost, she is a political activist who has consistently questioned and challenged the rules around her.”
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